AnAcademy for Principal-Manager

Manage- Monitor your School/College from anywhere in this world from one Single Dashboard

Why every school-college use CCTV Camera ? Simply, for better monitoring purpose..

Similarly AnAcademy ERP Website/ Mobile App Provides better School- College Management Monitoring System on single Dasboard. And that Dashboard can been seen from anywhere in the World. Further if you have multiple Branch, no need to go each branch you can integrate entire branch and futher it can be Monitor/ Manage from Single Dashboard. Few modules are-


Subject wise, class wise student- Teacher attendance with complete report

Fee & Payments

Monitoring Paid, Pending Fee and School/College Income

Notices & Circulars

Publishing, Monitoring the Notice & Circulars to School/ College

Online Admissions

Monitoring Daily/Weekly Online Admission with full report

AnAcademy for College IT Admin

Forget Managing/Monitoring the process in pen-paper and maintaining huge records manually. We are in 21st Century. Let the technology serve you in better and Smart way...

Why Banking System Adopted Computer, Onine-Softwares ? Simply, for better Management and Accuracy-Efficiency ..

Similarly AnAcademy ERP Online Software runs on Website and Mobile App Provides Efficiency and Accuracy in Managing work and tasks. AnAcademy made easy to Store & Manage lots of College Data in your Database . Further Records and Automaic Reports can be generated for Follow up and Analysis. Each Modules of AnAcademy ERP Serves particular Functions. Few Modules are-

Student-Staff Information

Keep all previous and current session Academic Records in standard way

Admissions Management

Online Admission Management, Configuring Course, Fee, Seats, Entrance Exam

Managing Fee-Payments

Managing Academic fee, Staff Payment, Maintaining Daily Transactions

Examination & Results

Conducting Exams, Seating Plans, Question-Paper setup, Publishing Results

AnAcademy for Teachers

Be Smart Teacher to make a Smart Class, Let the Anacademy help in the task assigned to you

AnAcademy ERP Provides Website/ Mobile App to School-College Teacher to operate academic tasks and to reduce time consumption in Class. Few helpful Modules are-

Class Attendances

Subject wise, class wise student Attendance with notications and Attendance Report

Subject Time-Table

Subject wise Time-Table, Lesson Plan, Syllabus Integration with Time-table with follow up

Homework Diary & Assignements

Assign homework integrated with Time-Table and Syllabus and Follow up

Notices & Circulars

Publishing, Getting the Notice & Circulars by School/ College Principal Teacher

AnAcademy for Student-Parent

Let your Scholar and their parents Smart and HiTech by providing AnAcademy Mobile App Portal

Let them updated with Latest Notice-Circulars of School/College. Student- Parent Mobile App and Website help to keep track of Scholars in term of Fees, Attendance, Examination Results, Circular Activity etc. Few useful Modules are-

Attendance Reports

Daily, Class-wise, Subject wise Attendance, Notification, Attendance Calendar Report

Fee Information

School-College Pending, Paid, Total fee records, Fee Receipt, One Touch Online Fee Payment

Notices & Circulars

Get School-College Notice-Circular by Push Notifications, Alerts

Homework Diary & Assignment

Daily Homework/Assignment provided by Teachers integrated with Syllabus

Examination & Results

Get Class test, Exams and Results published by School-College

Help & Supports

Facing any issue ? Or have any query Contact to AnAcademy Team